ABRADI is a non-profit class entity that defends the interests of companies that develop digital services in Brazil.
An e-commerce platform that believes in the potential of businesses, helping them from their creation to the development and growth stage.
Thus, ORA and Vnda join their business expertise to boost companies that operate in this segment.
A company that provides network and data center infrastructure solutions, in addition to technical support.
In this partnership with ORA, it serves customers in the ODL segment by building the platform and applying the network resources required for its operation.
A company that carries out the production and logistics of ORA’s corporate events. Its trademark is synonymous with efficiency in the management and coordination of the execution teams, providing companies with unique and personalized experiences.
An office with activities spanning over 15 years. It has become ORA’s partner for issues regarding intellectual property, performing the registration and strategic protection of our clients’ brands with INPI.